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Our Building

As well as being the centre of worship in the village, we are the custodians of a Grade 1
listed building which needs regular maintenance to preserve this heritage for future
generations. The current focus of our attention is the tower.


The tower is an important part of St Andrew’s Church. It houses our peal of six bells. It
announces the presence of the church from a distance for anyone looking down the valley
of the Strad Brook as it flows from the neighbouring village of Stradbroke to the River
















There were significant repairs to the upper parts of the tower at the end of the last century.
The time has now come to make repairs to the lower parts of the tower. Gaps are opening
up between the dressed stone of the buttresses and the flintwork which is the main
structural material. Repairs are also needed to the flintwork in the south-west corner of the
church. If we don’t make the repairs now, the structural integrity of these parts of the
church will in time be compromised.


The church’s architect has drawn up plans to make good the tower, following expert advice
from a specialist structural engineer. We have identified a builder who can carry out the
work to heritage standards, and we have obtained the requisite approvals from the diocese
for the project.











We need to raise over £130,000 to fund this work. We are hoping to receive support from
charities and grant-giving organisations, but this will only go some of the way to meeting the
costs. It is important for these bodies to see evidence of financial support for the work from
private individuals who value Wingfield Church and want to see it preserved for future

generations. Wingfield is a small village, and we rely on you, the world-wide community of
people who cherish our church for help in maintaining this beautiful building.


Please keep an eye out for local fund-raising events. You can also make a donation direct by
clicking on the link below.


Your support will be vital for the success of this project, and we will be most grateful for any
contribution that you can make.

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